You Are Already Love
Have you ever gotten so caught up in your own stories you lose the sense of the real truth of a situation? Spiraled yourself into a fantasyland that only you have created, bound in your own personally woven tale? Yup. Me too. So part of my personal practice is noticing when it’s happening and recognizing it before it gets out of control. In the past, I’ve wanted others to reassure me, tell me it’s ok, remind me I’m loved, and then I can work on reminding myself of what’s real and recognizing what’s a story. Now that I am deep in this work, I realize the bigger work is to not let others to tell me it’s ok or that I’m loved because I already know this.
So here’s where the love, and juiciness, and abundance come in, and this is a big one… We are already loved and we are, at our deepest core level, foundationally love. It is just intrinsic in our humanness. Somehow, we forget along the varied pathway of these sometimes crazy, sometimes intense, sometimes confusing, lives we lead. My work has been in the wondering, and through my explorations, I offer these questions to you: How do you love yourself? What touches you? Your heart, your mind, your skin? Did you ever wonder what your own touch feels like on another? I’m talking in all ways: not just physically, but emotionally, energetically, mentally… How do you like to be touched? The big question: are you touching and being touched with love, and does that feel different than an ordinary touch? What I know is this:
Love isAs necessary as anything that keeps us alive.Like foodit’s soul nectarfication. Like breathingit’s deep inspiration.Live without it?Total condemnation.Love’s abundanceIs necessary sustenance.Although we have to love each other,It’s more than with just another…Your primary partner is your SelfJuicing yourself upis a practice incoming together.Yoga in its most raw form:Union