The Words Float

Meditation is as natural as breathing - an act, or perhaps an art, that continuously teaches about the brilliance of life inside and all around us. Tap into it in every moment, through all of your senses, because just like your heart beating, it is completely natural and ingrained in all bodies. Yet what makes meditation so extraordinary is that we can each find it in our own unique way. What is your pleasure? Go do it, and then watch the way delight enjoys you.

My teacher @lorinroche looks you in the heart when he says,
"Ditch the word Meditation and use these instead:

Go ahead and get close to yourself, tap into how things really smell and taste. The practice is made to be sensual, like being with a lover. Get curious - no imposing, no forcing, no shaming. When you remember yourself, the experience becomes a radical journey into unfolding consciousness, an open-ended exploration, and every time you venture out, the trip will never be the same.

My client emerges from a dreamy ten-minute meditation, eyes serene, skin soft, even her hair is shimmering.
"It's amazing how thoughts can be so negative when you are tense, and the same thoughts become informative when you are relaxed." The words float from her body.

I receive the brilliance just being around her.

elyce neuhauser